Alt. Text: Digital Art: A sad woman stands in her living room with microphones pointed in her direction
When you’re a well-known artist, it’s expected to put yourself out in public, show off your work, and interact with fans. It’s expected to let everyone know about relationships, secret projects, and struggles. When does it become too much? When does it start to become an invasion?
Often people believe that celebrities don’t deserve any form of privacy because of their status. Since they’re famous it automatically means that they “chose this life,” but that couldn’t be far from the truth.
I doubt anyone would ask to be stalked, constantly be asked intrusive questions, and have their picture taken without their consent. Celebrities constantly have to relieve embarrassing moments and on top of that be asked questions about it because it circulated all over the internet.
Artists shouldn’t be expected to be in work mode 24/7. You are not entitled to a photo just because you’re near someone who happens to be famous. A celebrity should be able to deny a photo without getting backlash for it.
The lack of privacy can make it difficult for artists to maintain relationships. Most people can’t handle the fame that comes along with the people they’re with. An example would be Taylor Swift and her former partner, Joe Alwyn back when they started dating in 2016.
“We have been together and no one has found out for 3 months now. I want it to stay that way because I don’t want anything about this to change or become complicated or intruded upon. But it’s serveless to worry about someday not being happy when I am happy now.” Taylor explained in her Lover Diaries.
Another unfortunate part of being an artist is the worry of having work leaked. In 2022, Lana Del Rey shared a few Instagram stories stating that her car was broken into which resulted in losing important items such as her laptop that had unreleased music in it.
She urged fans to not listen to the unreleased music, saying, “Please don’t listen to the music if you hear it, because it’s not coming out yet.”
Choosing a line of work doesn’t mean you deserve to deal with the negative sides of it. It’s like working in a job that requires you to interact with people and then having to deal with rude people along the way.
Celebrities choose to be artists, something that they’re passionate about. They don’t choose to have their work leaked or to have people stand outside their homes. They’re people who just want to put their work out into the world.