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From one of the most hated Star Wars characters, to one of the most loved, Ahsoka Tano is back once again, this time with her own show!
Ahsoka is Star Wars’ newest addition to the seemingly never-ending lineup of content. And, in all honesty, this show is already one of their best compared to more recent shows.According to RottenTomatoes, Ahsoka overall has 87% average score on the Tomatometer, and a 74% average audience score. The first episode, Master and Apprentice, had a 95% on the Tomatometer.
In comparison to the most recent shows, Andor, and The Mandalorian: Season Three, Ahsoka, on episode terms, has been doing noticeably better.
With Andor’s first episode, Kassa, at a 92% on the Tomatometer, and The Mandalorian: Season Three’s first episode, The Apostate, at 85%, we can clearly see who the winner is.
The first two episodes (Part One: Master and Apprentice, and Part Two: Toil and Trouble) of Ahsoka aired August 22nd and will continue to air every Tuesday at 9pm until October third, for the eighth and last episode of the show (that we know of).
Ahsoka follows very closely in both time and plot as the animated show, Star Wars: Rebels (which some select people are only now starting to take seriously). There are interesting connections being made as well, such as giving us another reason why Ahsoka didn’t want to take Grogu as her padawan in Chapter 13 of The Mandalorian. She had taken Sabine Wren as her padawan already!
Many aspects of this show contribute to the well-earned, overwhelmingly positive response. From the soundtrack, to even (my personal favorite) end credits design, this show certainly shouldn’t disappoint.
The acting in the show is both one of the best aspects of it, but also one of its’ weaker aspects. Rosario Dawson’s portrayal of Ahsoka is spot on, as is Natasha Lui Bordizzo’s portrayal of Sabine Wren. Both actresses bring their respective character to life in a way that so closely resembles their animated characters.
One of the main things brought up by viewers is Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s portrayal of General Hera Syndulla. As far as looks and similarities go, Winstead looks less like her character compared to the other actresses. And when it comes to an accurate portrayal of Hera, I think there is (definitely) room for improvement.
I look forward to seeing more characters come back and make an appearance. There are characters who are set to make an appearance, while others are theorizing about character appearances. I think I speak for quite a few people when I say: I hope Captain Rex makes an appearance sometime during the show.
Overall, Ahsoka is a great show. With some moments feeling like a Clone Wars episode, great acting and accurate character portrayals, and in all honesty just getting good Star Wars content again, this show should certainly be one to remember.